Bildet på denne sida er eit typisk bilde fra Helle, der me prøver og stilla opp for fotografering på trappa til bestemor, noko som ikkje er spesielt enkelt;-)
Til denne sida har eg brukt ei skisse inne hos Scrapfriends. Der inne er det heilt utrulig mykje herlig inspirasjon!
Helle is my childhood paradise. My grandmother lives here and we have spendt many holidays here and I have so many good memories here :-) Grandma is now 96 years and still manages mostly self! She has 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. I have a dream that my children will have the opportunity to create many fond memories of Helle to.
The image on this page is a typical image from Helle, where we try and set up for photography on the stairs at grandmothers house, which is not particularly easy;-)
In this page I have used a sketch from Scrapfriends. You'll find so much incredible inspiration!

Some details:
Hi Arnlaug!! Gorgeous page!!! I love your take on the sketch! Beautiful colors and little details!!!Thanks for playing along at SF!!xx