Desse har eg laga til Papirdesign sin desember utfordring.
søndag 22. desember 2013
Eg pleier ikkje og gjera så veldig mykje ut av innpakning av gaver, men eit par pakkelappar blir det av og til:-)
Desse har eg laga til Papirdesign sin desember utfordring.

Desse har eg laga til Papirdesign sin desember utfordring.
"Gift of life" - art journaling
Ok, I'm hooked! On gelli printing:-) It's just so much fun! It gives you a new suprise everytime you print a new layer and the paper becomes more and more beautiful.
This double spread in my journal I made for the latest challenge at 13arts. The challenge was to be inspired by the word "gift" and incorporate a piece of wrapping paper in your project. There also had to be use at least one medium in the project.
This art journal project is about different kinds of love and how it is the gift of life..
(sorry about the bad quality in the picture, but there isn't any daylight here in Norway this time of year..)
This double spread in my journal I made for the latest challenge at 13arts. The challenge was to be inspired by the word "gift" and incorporate a piece of wrapping paper in your project. There also had to be use at least one medium in the project.
This art journal project is about different kinds of love and how it is the gift of life..
(sorry about the bad quality in the picture, but there isn't any daylight here in Norway this time of year..)
tirsdag 17. desember 2013
Hei hei:-) Lite aktivitet hos meg for tida, kan nok ha med ei travel førjulstid og gjera;-)
Fram til eg får scrappa noko nytt kan eg jo visa mitt bidrag til novemberoppgåva i papiralongen på CASA.
Oppgåva var å bli inspirert av dette bildet:

Fram til eg får scrappa noko nytt kan eg jo visa mitt bidrag til novemberoppgåva i papiralongen på CASA.
Oppgåva var å bli inspirert av dette bildet:
tirsdag 3. desember 2013
Skissedilla sketch # 230
Tenk at det allerede er desember! Utrulig kor tida flyr! Ny måned betyr ny skisse hos Skissedilla. Håpar du finner litt tid til og væra med på denne:-)
Denne kule skisse er det Laetitia som har laga for oss:-)

Denne kule skisse er det Laetitia som har laga for oss:-)

mandag 2. desember 2013
"Love" - CSI scrap365 case file 3
It's a new month and it's time for a new special Scrap365 case file over at CSI. The colorpalette this time was just so beautiful and peaceful, as my youngest daughter is while sleeping:-)

evidence: pearls, texture paste, feathers
testimony: write four random things - for this I chose the 4 words sweet, amazing, genuine and beautiful. These words definitely describe her and she is also so much more. On the back I wrote her a personal letter.
evidence: pearls, texture paste, feathers
testimony: write four random things - for this I chose the 4 words sweet, amazing, genuine and beautiful. These words definitely describe her and she is also so much more. On the back I wrote her a personal letter.
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