
lørdag 31. mai 2014

"Working girl"

Det er så gøy med nye utfordringsbloggar så eg prøver å få gjort flest mulig av utfordringane i starten, så blir det forhåpentligvis mange fleire etterkvart:-)
Scrappelyst sin mai-utfordring er "Vår". Vår er jo favoritt årstida mi og eg elsker å scrappe sider fra våren. 

Denne sida kosa eg meg skikkelig med. Masse gøy i bakgrunnen dekka med maling og mist, det kjekkaste eg veit å bruka. Og bildene av "jobbe jenta" vår er jo heilt herlige:-)

It is so much fun with new challengblogs so I try to get done as many of the challenges as possible in the beginning, so hopefully I'll continue to do the challenges  :-) 
Scrappelyst has "Spring" as their May challenge. Spring is my favorite seasons and I love to scrap pages of spring. 

This layout I really enjoyed making. Lots of fun in the background covered with paint and mist, the things I love using. And the pictures of our "working girl" is completely lovely :-)

I made this page for the june palette over at The color room. This time you have to use fabric on your projects. I used cheese cloth on mine:-)

fredag 30. mai 2014

Cutie - CSI # 124

Den nye norske utfordringsbloggen Scrappelyst, har ein veldig morsom utfordring kalt "grublis", og eg måtte berre bli med :-)

"Start med en av dine aller første arbeider på papir, en du har fortsatt et bilde av, og gjør det igjen i den stilen du jobber i nå i dag." 

Eg ønsker å vise min aller første layout. Eg hadde ikkje nokon av dei samme bildene med meg på "mini-treffet" sist helg, så eg brukte eit bilde av min tre år gamle dotter i stedet. Dette viser korleis stilen min har forandret seg gjennom årene. (og også at eg er blitt bedre i fotoredigering;-p). Det er gøy å sjå korleis alt har forandra seg. Eg elska STORE bilder, hadde ingen anelse om kva mixed-media var og tittelen er kutta ut med ein skalpell.
Jeg brukte den gamle layouten som er slags skisse for min nye. Kanskje det er vanskelig å sjå, men tittelen har samme plass og pynten er litt spredd utover. Rub-onsene blir litt som stemplene eg ofte bruker no. (men eg elsker faktisk rub-ons enda;-)). Men så stort bilde blir nok ei stund til eg scrapper igjen;-P

The new norwegian challenge blog Scrappelyst, has a really fun challenge called "grublis", and I just had to join in:-)

"Start with one of your very first works on paper,one you still have a picture of, and make it again in the style you are working in now today."

I really want to show my very first layout. I didn't have any of the same photos with me on the "mini-crop" last weekend, so I scrapped a photo of my 3 year old instead. This shows how my style has changed over the years. (and also that I'm better in photo editing;-p). It's fun to see how everything has changed. I loved HUGE photos, had no idea what mixed-media was and the title is cut out using a scalpel.

I used my layou as a kind of sketch for my new layout. Maybe it's hard to see, but the title has the same place and the embellishment is almost the same. The rubons are a bit like my stamps. 

For this challenge I used this weeks case file over at CSI. Sorry but I'm a bit late with this one, but you still have two more days to solve case file no. 124.

I just adored the case file this week:-) Such lovely colors and a super cute inspiration picture. I just think this was the perfect case file for this cute photo of my 3 year old:-)

Evidence: stamps, stars, tiny brads
Testimony: hidden in the background there is 7 fun fact about my subject.

søndag 25. mai 2014

Paint the sky your favorite color

This weekend me and to of my scrappy friends had a weekend at the vacation house scrapping and relaxing:-)

It's been a long time since I've joined the challenges at Scrap365, but the sketch this time was just perfect:-)

This time I had a blast playing with mixed media! Just love how the layout came together when I added the Glimmer Mist:-)

fredag 23. mai 2014


Hei hei:-)
I dag har eg endelig skrive mitt første innlegg i Project Life Norge bloggen. Eg har ikkje holdt på med project life så lenge, men som så mange andre har eg jo funnet ut at det er heilt perfekt når eg vil scrappe mange bilder, fra ein ferie for eksempel.

Eg lager aldri nokon plan over korleis eit album skal bli til slutt når eg scrapper. Eg scrapper det bildet, i den stilen, som eg får lyst til der og då. Lommescrapping blir jo perfekt når eg vil supplere LOer med litt ekstra bilder, så det blir nok mange slike sider fra meg:-) 

Denne sida er om ferien me hadde til Tenerife i vinter. Tenker den passer bra no som sommaren er rett rundt hjørnet for oss her i nord:-)

Denne sida er det lenge sidan eg scrappa så eg husker ikkje kva kort eg har brukt her. Men eit par av dei, pluss ein del av pynten er fra eit kit som eg får fra Studio Calico kvar måned. 

Eg digger overlays! Utrulig enkel måte å pynta eit kort på. Denne er fra American Crafts. 

Takk for meg, me blogges:-)

onsdag 21. mai 2014

Utfordring # 3 hos Project life i Norge

Hei hei:-) 17. mai er vel overstått og den siste utfordringen hos Project life i Norge er perfekt til å scrappe bilder fra feiringa.

Oppgaven denne gangen er: HIPP HIPP HURRA!! nasjonaldagen (norsk og svensk)eller bursdagsfeiring.

onsdag 14. mai 2014


This page is for last months sketch challenge over at Purple Pumpkin. I am really behind with my blog updates, but I guess everyone knows the busy everyday life;-)

I used two cute fabric buttons and some washi tape from the Purple Pumpkin shop

søndag 11. mai 2014

Get ready to party

One of my favorite challenge blogs are celebrating there 1 year anniversary:-) Big congrats to all of you over at Scrap around the world:-) I'm not scrappin a lot of challenges these days but I just had to join in on this one and celebrate this great blog.

When I saw this amazing, colorful challenge image I new right away what pictures to scrap. I was so inspired by the colors and also the theme of the mood board of course. My oldest daughter was invited to her first birthday party, and it was a carnival theme. She looks so cute all dressed up as a clown, and her little sister had to try on some make-up to;-)

As I've been away from home for more than a month I haven't been able to scrap until last thursday. OMG I had such a blast playing with paint, ink and colors again! Thank you for the inspiration Scrap around the world:-)

Thanks for looking:-)

torsdag 8. mai 2014

Put on a show!

Back again to show you my take on the latest scrap365 challenge at CSI. The case file is closed now, but there are lots of inspiration to be found:-) This page was also published in the Scrap365 magazing. SO happy and honored about that:-)

My girls love dressing up and putting on a show for us. April fool can be all about putting on a show to trick someone and the girls also love trying to fool us. So for the aprils foolcase file I found this photo of them just perfect:-)

I've made a mixed media layout this time. First I glued down lots of scraps, paper flowers and chipboard and then I painted over them with all sorts of media. After that I sprayed lots of different mists on and got this great background. To finish it of I embellished the page with small dots and the big, bright Purple Pumpkin buttons:-)

Evidence: flowers, paint, teapot, circus themed

Testimony: This summer you got your photo taken by a photographer. She loved
taking pictures of you and asked if we would agree to dress you up in some vintage
clothing. Of course we said yes and got some more great photos. You both love
dressing up and put on little shows for us. Maybe one of you - or both - is the next big

onsdag 7. mai 2014

Månedsutfordring hos project life i norge

Ops, seint ute med denne.. Sånn er det og være lenge borte uten pc.

Men her er i alle fall mitt bidrag til utfordring # 2 hos Project life i Norge.
Oppgåva lyder som følger:

Denne gangen legger vi ved et bilde som vi vil at dere skal bli inspirert av og klarer du å få en litt vårlig tvist på det, så blir vi ekstra glad, men det er ikke et krav.

Sjekk og ut gjesteufordringa som me har gåande. Her rakk eg ikkje og bidra men det er ein super utfordring fra Lillesmor:-)

tirsdag 6. mai 2014

May sketch at Skissedilla

Ok, I've been awol for a long time now. Last time I was being creative was in march at a crop and I haven't been able to show off everything I made there. The last month I've been to "rehab" for my artrithis. It was good being there but great to get back. So here is the first of many layouts to come in the next days.

First up Skissedilla:-) The may sketch is made by Nabon. Hope to see lots of people popping by, as always:-)

I made this dreamy layout for my little girl. I started the background on this during a mixed media class I was teaching at the crop. So much fun!